Last Minute Social Media Tips For Fundraising

With the end of the year approaching and employees from your team taking time off to spend with family, there’s the risk that your social media efforts may take a hit. It might not seem like a big deal, but the reality is, you may end up missing an opportunity to reach last-minute donors as they end 2015 wanting to give to a cause they believe in.

In fact, according to, year-end fundraising tends to peak on December 30th and December 31st.

With this in mind, we put together three social media tips for fundraising to finish off 2015.

Schedule Your Social Media in Advance

As we mentioned above, people take time off for the holiday. Don’t let that stop your social media efforts. Use a social media scheduling service like Buffer, Hootsuite, or the native scheduling you’ll see in Facebook to make the most of the holiday downtime.

Coordinate with your team to make sure someone always has their eye on any activity on your social pages during the holiday break.

Use Compelling Content

We always make a point to encourage clients to use compelling content to persuade followers to make a donation. Your year-end efforts should take this concept to the next level.

We all get pretty sentimental during the holiday season. With this in mind, you can see how creating compelling content can play a role in illustrating the need for your donors to give.

Use This Time to Announce Your Success

As we mentioned in our “post-Giving Tuesday” article, your donors need closure and assurance that their donation is going to good use. Chances are, you have plans on how donations will go to use. Now’s the time to show donors the good they’ve done with donations throughout the year.

So now that you have some social media fundraising tips for your year-end efforts, let’s put it to action. Let’s gather up your team, share the importance of social media in the next few weeks, and raise awareness for your cause.

How has social media played a role in previous year-end campaigns? Share your experience as well as any tips below.